Thursday, March 4, 2010

22 Weeks 1 Day

I enjoy feeling the little baby kicks, but they sometimes seem a little weird! It feels kind of like a muscle twitch that I can't rub out. She gets a little shy when she notices me trying to feel her from the outside, and she generally stops kicking when Robbie tries to touch my belly. Poor Robbie! But she does it to me too. She seems to be active at around the same times of day, and she REALLY likes it when I eat certain foods. Either she likes it or she's saying, "Too much! Stop!"

So far I haven't had any random strangers try to come up and rub my belly thank goodness. The only ones that have touched my belly at all are my mom and of course Robbie. I think I'm showing just enough to where people are not quite comfortable asking me if I'm pregnant. I don't think they want to take a chance in offending me! Robbie says I should say NO! if someone asks me if I'm pregnant to make them feel bad. I haven't had the heart to do that yet.

I've signed us up for a childbirth education class that starts March 1st. I'm really excited about it, and I cannot wait. I still don't feel quite like I'm pregnant. The midwives have told me this is a really quiet part of the pregnancy, and I am very thankful for that. I think I had a little too much worry to deal with during my first trimester, and I am happy to report that so far the second trimester has been pretty uneventful. Except for the baby kicks of course!

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